The Triangle Association of Black Social Workers is pleased to present our 2024 Summer Symposium to be held via Zoom on Saturday, August 10 at 10 AM. Our focus this year is “Supporting Juvenile Mental Health” which is aimed to identify some of the challenges experienced by Black children and how to best engage them in care.

Presentation 1 slides

Presentation 2 slides


During May, thousands of BSW and MSW students graduate and enter the profession of social work. The Triangle Association of Black Social Workers wants to take the time to uplift our soon-to-be Black BSW, MSW, DSW, and PhD graduates and provide them a space to network with fellow Black social workers and obtain essential advice as they enter the profession.

Our networking event will be split into two main parts; a panel of Direct and Macro Social Workers and a discussion on the LCSW and L-SSW licensure process.

Please register in advance for our networking event on April 27th from 12-1:30 PM.

Please email us at for the registration link.


TABSW is excited to announce that we will participate in a nationwide march with the Poor People's Campaign for Social Work Month next month! Following the march, we will eat and have fellowship together!

Please join us at the State Library in Raleigh on March 2nd at 9 AM. The address is 109 E Jones St, Raleigh, NC 27601.

There is free parking at the State Library, where we will meet before heading to Morgan St to join the march. After the march, we will head to Morgan St. Food Hall to eat and fellowship together. We encourage everyone to try two Black-owned restaurants at the hall, Iylia's Southern Kitchen and Oak City Fish and Chips.

We hope to see everyone on March 2nd at 9 AM!


TABSW is excited to announce the launch of our TABSW Black History Series! The TABSW Black History Series features a different event or activity for each week of Black History Month (see attached flyer). Anyone who participates in each of the five activities and shows proof (sending pictures to our email,, or tagging us on social media) will be eligible to win a Social Work shirt!

Week 1: We will kick off Black History Month with our Black History Talk on February 1st from 6-7 PM. Our talk will feature two organizations: The Charles Hamilton Houston Foundation and the Progressive Service Club. We hope to see everyone next Thursday at 6 PM!

Please use the following Zoom link:

Week 2: We encourage everyone to eat at a Black-owned restaurant in their area. If it's Stephanie's Restaurant II in Greensboro or Goorsha in Durham, we know you all will enjoy the food.

Black Business spreadsheet: 

Don't see your favorite Black-owned restaurant listed? Select "make a comment" to have a Black-owned business added to our ongoing spreadsheet.

Week 3: We encourage everyone to read a book from a Black author. The Liberation Station Bookstore in Raleigh, NC, is a Black-owned bookstore if anyone wants to purchase a book from a Black-owned bookstore. The Benjamin Branch and the Hemphill Branch Library in Greensboro, NC, both have an African-American book club that meets once a month. The Benjamin Brach will read The Other Black Girl by Zakiya Dalila Harris, and the Hemphill Branch will read Finding Me by Viola Davis in February.

Liberation Station Bookstore:

Book clubs: 

Week 4: We encourage everyone to attend a Black History event in your area. The NC African American Heritage Commission has compiled a list of events throughout February. Please consider attending one or more of these events.

List of BHM events:

Week 5: We encourage everyone to support and shop at a Black-owned store in their area.

Black Business spreadsheet: 

Don't see your favorite Black-owned store listed? Select "make a comment" to have a Black-owned business added to our ongoing spreadsheet.


As part of our Strategic Plan, TABSW partnered with Black Durham Diapers to help provide diapers and wipes to families in the month of November. TABSW is pleased to share that we were able to donate a total of 328 diapers and 6 packs of wipes!


Join the Triangle Association of Black Social Workers for our 2023 Summer Symposium on August 5, 2023, from 11 AM - 2 PM EST.

The symposium was created to establish a space for Black-helping professionals to share Black-centered research. Our hope is that those in attendance will use this knowledge to advocate better, support and advance the needs of the Black clients and communities they serve.

2023 Summer Symposium recording


Join the Triangle Association of Black Social Workers for a virtual information session on April 5, 2022, from 6 - 7:30 PM EST.

The Triangle Association of Black Social Workers (TABSW) will host an informational event with guest speaker Doreen Byrd, Lead Parent Educator for the Exceptional Children's Assistance Center. During this info session, Ms. Byrd will provide the following information:

  • How 504 & IEPs determine how schools serve children with disabilities

  • How 504 plans and IEPs differ

  • Steps to advocate for a child to receive these federal protections

Our goal is to provide our community with a foundation on what IEPs and 504 are. Please submit any questions you may have and we hope to get as many as possible answered by the presenter.

504/IEP Teach-In recording


As part of our 2021 Strategic Plan, TABSW pledged to assist families during the holidays. TABSW is pleased to share that we were able to donate some much-needed items to Guilford Health Care Nursing Home. Some of the things collected were: 53 canvas, 44 bottles of paint, 30 paint pallets, and 16 packs of colored pencils!


As part of our 2021 Strategic Plan, TABSW pledged to assist families during the holidays. TABSW is pleased to share that we made a donation of $405 to the Triangle Nonprofit and Volunteer Leadership Center's Thanksgiving Program.


As part of our 2021 Strategic Plan, TABSW is pushing for Medicaid Expansion in North Carolina. As members of this organization, we are committed to enhancing the quality of life through advocacy and research.

Medicaid must be expanded in North Carolina. 600,000 North Carolinians are estimated to be uninsured, many of whom are our clients, neighbors, and family members.

We ask that each member takes 5 minutes to find their NC Legislators in the NC House and NC Senate and email them our Medicaid Expansion Campaign Letter. After you email your legislators, share our campaign on social media and tag 5 friends to do the same. We want our legislators to know the importance of Medicaid expansion; we can no longer wait.

*We are pleased to announce that Medicaid Expansion was signed into law in 2023!

Graphic: North Carolina Justice Center


Join the Triangle Association of Black Social Workers for a virtual networking event on May 21, 2021, from 5 - 6:30 PM EST.

During the month of May, thousands of BSW and MSW students graduate and enter the Social Work profession. Triangle Association of Black Social Workers wants to take the time to uplift our recent Black BSW and MSW graduates and provide them a space to network with fellow Black Social Workers and obtain essential advice as they enter the profession.

Our networking event will be split into two main parts; a mix and mingle for Direct and Macro Social Workers and a discussion on the LCSW and L-SSW licensure process. Please submit any questions you may have and we hope to get as many as possible answered by the presenters.

If you are interested in participating please email us at by May 21, 2021.


Join the Triangle Association of Black Social Workers for a town-hall regarding the COVID-19 vaccine on Feb 27th, 2021, from 10-12 PM EST.

TABSW’s “For the People, From the People: the COVID-19 Vaccine” town Hall seeks to provide information regarding the COVID-19 vaccine and what it entails. This will be a community-based discussion. TABSW is not advocating for or against the COVID-19 vaccine. This town hall will feature a panel of Black professionals who work in and around healthcare.

Our goal is to provide our community residents with fact-based information so you can make an informed decision about whether or not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Please submit any questions you may have and we hope to get as many as possible answered by the presenters.

Virtual town hall recording

The most up to date event listings will be posted on our Facebook page!